On March 20 we have seen a rare event unfold in the skies over Vienna. A partial solar eclipse has covered almost 60% of the sun’s surface, and has lasted well over 2 hours. It started this morning at 09:36 andended at 11:58 (Viena).
OTT Hydromet announced that OTT RLS is a non-contact radar level sensor with pulse radar technology. The OTT RLS offers a large measurement range with a small blanking distance and narrow beam width and it easily connects to most dataloggers. The RLS has extremely low power consumption and is ideal… read more →
The IEEE BlackSeaCom series of conferences are held in the countries surrounding the Black Sea. The goal of the IEEE BlackSeaCom is to bring together visionaries in academia, research labs and industry from all over the world to the shores of the Black Sea. Here they will address many of… read more →
OTT Hydromet announced that the equipment Hydrolab are put to the test in a wide range of wide range of applications and challenging to obtain data users of the quality of the water they need to take critical decisions for the management of water resources. To allow users to highlight… read more →
OTT Hydromet announces the Service Plus Programs – lower lifetime ownership costs and maximize instrument up-time, valid also for Adcon Telemetry customers. Also, the improved myOTT customer portal is launched featuring case studies such as real-time groundwater monitoring around hydraulic fracturing sites and OTT weather sensors used in Sochi Olympics.
Beia Consult International together with its partner Adcon Telemetry – an OTT Hydromet company, participated in the 2nd International Conference on “Water resources and wetlands” between 11-13 September, 2014 in the “Delta” Hotel in Tulcea, Romania, organized by the the Romanian Limnogeographical Association (RLA) in collaboration with the Polish Limnological Society (PLS), Czech Limnological Society… read more →