Radar flood warning system
For the first time, OTT Hydromet and Adcon Telemetry has deployed a new system, which cannot only measure the level of the river, but also determine its flow speed and calculate the flow. To this avail two radar sensors are mounted into one compact box: one sensor points vertically down to measure the level, the other one is angled forward to measure speed. With the cross section of the river programmed into the sensor, it can then autonomously calculate the flow.
Beia Consult will join Internet and Mobile World 2015, 7-8 October 2015, ROMEXPO, Bucharest, with B08 stand. IMWorld 2015 is an important “business to business” event in Romania dedicated to digital, mobile and software solutions. Be there beside 120 speakers, 110 companies and over 1590 digital and IT solutions.
Use the code BE3749MLE in your registration process for a 100% discount.
Read the press release on beiamag.ro.