BEIA announces The Precision Agriculture 2nd Edition
BEIA will participate in Precision Agriculture 2nd Edition
TMT PR with the support of USAMV Bucharest, USAMV CLUJ and in partnership with Agro TV designs the unique working platform in Romania on Precision Agriculture, the place where the actors involved in the realization and implementation of the future agriculture come to discuss and propose innovative, profit-generating solutions medium and long term.
The market for precision agriculture will double by 2021; estimates show that it will reach 4.2 billion euros globally, and a farmer will end up feeding 256 people by 2030, from 26 people today. The new Common Agricultural Policy 2020 will continue to encourage, through financial incentives and support schemes, both farmers’ ability to invest in precision agricultural technologies and innovation by supporting H2020 research projects.
The Precision Agriculture Conference is the only one of its kind in Romania and brings to the foreground relevant market data, trends as well as case studies and good practice models exemplified by our farmers.
The event agenda is available here.