Beia Consult attended the 18th edition of Goodwine exposition, held between 25-27th of November, in Bucharest at Romexpo. The event is organized annually by PBC (Proactive Business Communication), debuting in 2009, gathering to this year event 17 editions. Bellow is available a video presentation of Beia’s exposition stand.
The biggest agricultural event in Romania, INDAGRA is organized by ROMEXPO in partnership with the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Romania. This year edition will take place from November 2nd to November 6th, at Romexpo Exhibition Centre, indoor and on the outdoor platforms. To have performance, Romanian agriculture and… read more →
The Control & Instrumentation Association of Romania (A.A.I.R.) managed, together with Romexpo S.A., between the 12th – 15th of October 2016, the third edition of the event RAILF-Romcontrola. The Romanian Automation & Instrumentation Laboratory Fair (Exhibition and Symposium), was hosted by the Romexpo Exhibitions Center from Bucharest, Romania, in hall… read more →
Due to the value of weather information, the installation of a telemonitoring equipment at a heliport is important and desirable. It uses data transmission via GSM-GPRS in all situations where this is possible, which brings considerable advantages in the operation and maintenance of the system.
We offer a survey of the winegrowing season 2015, as it was ”seen” by an addVANTAGE Pro Adcon Telemetry server. The monitoring station was located in Romania, Constanta county, in the middle of an 100 hectars entirely drip-irrigated Cabernet Sauvignon vine.
BEIA CONSULT INTERNATIONAL participate at International Conferences AAL Forum, WATER 2014, and we announce the news of ours partners Adcon, OTT, Siemens Unify, Gigaset, Snom, Media5, LANCOM, Dialogic, InVision, Voxtron and 3DS Exalead. Beia Consult International – Siemens Approved Partner & Dialogic Regional Distributor participate at Conference Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Forum… read more →