OTT Hydromet News – OTT MF Pro Flow Meter

Beia Consult International – Siemens Approved Partner & Dialogic Regional Distributor announces the news from April, together with his partners Adcon Telemetry, OTT Hydromet, Siemens Enterprise Communications – Unify, Gigaset, Snom VoIP, Aspect Software, Lancom Systemes, Dialogic, Voxtron Communications, Dassault Systemes Center and 3DS /Exalead.


OTT Hydromet announced that their OTT MF pro Flow Meter is used in one of the more unique discharge applications around the world. The OTT MF pro flow meter is being used for discharge measurements in the Hessenhau Cave (the deepest known cave of the Swabian Alps – 144 m) of southern Germany.

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