New cost-effective BEIA soil temperature & moisture multiple sensor

Two soil moisture transducers and one soil temperature transducer are available on the new BEIA soil multiple sensor. Other configurations than the mentioned 2M(oisture) + 1T(emperature) are also available on request, such as 1M+2T, 3M or 3T.

Each of the 3 very precise transducers made in USA finds itself at the end of its own independent 2 m long cable, allowing burial of the transducer at a depth going down up to about 150 cm.

The BEIA multiple soil sensor with 3 transducers is mainly intended to be connected to a standard analogue port of the A753 and A723 Adcon Telemetry remote telemetry units (RTUs).  Utilization with any other RTU or data logger provided with analog voltage inputs is however also possible.