AVINCIS utilises Beia-Adcon for plant disease management
AVINCIS, the outstanding wine-grower and -maker based at Dobrusha near Dragasani, has recently joined the community of those using the Beia-Adcon system for plant disease management and irrigation management.
The AVINCIS Adcon station consisting in RTU and appropriate sensors (see photo) continuously sends weather and other plant disease related parameters towards the Beia server in Bucharest.
The first months of functioning have already shown interesting things, like the wind constantly blowing day and night at Dobrusha, at a speed of around 7-8 km/h. This wind is mainly benefic, as a factor aiding to keep the leaves and fruits perfectly dry during most of the time. Surprise threaths are however not entirely excluded, like for instance the days-long period of very high pressure of the bunch rot (Botrytis cinerea) during June 2016 (see diagram).
High pressure of the bunch rot (Botrytis cinerea) at AVINCIS at 15.06.2016